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Review: Vector Designer

VectorDesigner is exactly what it sounds like...a design program that uses vector instead of raster graphics. VectorDesigner is a nice little application developed by TweakerSoft that contains most every major feature you would want inside of a vector graphics program - all for just $69.95, or you can try the demo out at their site. Alongside the basics such as bezier curves, smart shapes and gradients, it includes much more. For one, it has a built-in Flickr tool which allows you to find pictures over Flickr containing specific objects, numbers or even colours. The colour feature is one of my favourites and is a must see to believe kind of thing. Also, it uses the Quartz composer capabilities to allow you to place filters on your
objects to make them more interesting. Included, is also a nice layers pallet similar to the one found in Photoshop which can come in handy when you are creating a very intricate object inside of VectorDesigner.
Some other neat features include being able to convert raster graphics into vector ones which can be manipulated as if you had drawn them, being able to import pictures directly from the iSight atop your Mac, wrapping text around or inside of objects, the use of Boolean tools which allow you to subtract or add two objects together and, finally, being able to sketch things, which is a nice feature if you aren't very good with using the bezier tool.
I found no problems with using it and soon became quite comfortable with its simple user interface. Also, the creator appears hard at work because it seems as though every time I launch it, a new update has arrived with subtle but handy new features. Also worth noting is it received the "Best Of Show" award at Macworld this year - always a nice thing to have. Five stars.


Unknown said...

I like this program, but I would give it a 3 out of 5. The reason is that it lacks node alignment tools, takes a long time to redraw the screen when zoomed in (I am on a 2.8 GHz 24" iMac with OS 10.5), needs work on object alignment capabilities and ease of use. For these reasons ONLY, I would still recommend using Inkscape - which has more maturity in these areas. However, I am impressed with VectorDesigner's layout and usability in all other areas and it has been much more stable of a program than my experiences with Inkscape.

Sean O'Rear
My Website